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Machine learning projects are complex and iterative with uncertain outcomes.

It’s not simply software but the intersection of software, engineering, and science. And this field moves fast. Deep learning came on the scene a little over a decade ago, and the tools and research are constantly evolving.

Prioritizing your ML efforts requires understanding the challenges of each path and recognizing new opportunities.

These are some ways to improve the efficacy of machine learning development.

1. Define the problem and set clear goals

Start by clearly defining your project’s objectives and the metrics you intend to optimize. Having a well-defined goal will guide your entire development process and help you avoid unnecessary experimentation.

You should have a clear problem definition to provide a focused and well-defined scope for your machine learning project. It narrows down the problem space and helps you concentrate your efforts on solving a specific challenge.

When goals are not well-defined, there’s a risk of scope creep, where the project keeps expanding or changing its objectives. This can lead to constant adjustments and experimentation, making it challenging to achieve meaningful progress. Clearly defined goals help prevent scope creep and maintain project stability.

Setting clear goals also involves defining success metrics. These metrics serve as benchmarks to measure the performance of your machine learning model. Having well-defined metrics helps you quickly determine whether your model is meeting the project’s objectives and in measuring progress.

2. Understand your data

All machine learning algorithms require some sort of training data – regardless of whether your model is supervised or unsupervised. The model learns patterns in the training data in order to apply that knowledge to previously unseen data.

Gathering input from experts is critical to understanding the data – both the physical phenomena captured by the data and the technical variations in acquiring it. This understanding can help identify key features in creating a classification model, as well as expected variations in the data that a good model should be robust to.

Be sure to invest time in thorough data preprocessing and exploration. By thoroughly understanding your data, you can identify issues related to data quality, such as missing values, outliers, and inconsistencies. Addressing these issues early reduces the chances of errors during model training and validation.

A deep understanding of your data helps you identify which features are most relevant to the problem at hand. You can select meaningful features and engineer new ones that capture essential information, which can lead to improved model performance.

Understanding your data also allows you to make informed decisions about preprocessing steps. You can choose the right data scaling techniques, handling of categorical variables, and handling of imbalanced datasets based on your data’s characteristics.

Knowledge of your data can guide data augmentation strategies, especially in computer vision and natural language processing tasks. Effective data augmentation can improve model generalization.

Data understanding is also crucial for identifying and mitigating bias in your dataset. It helps you detect biases related to gender, race, or other sensitive attributes that can lead to unfair model predictions.

Many of these components require the expertise of someone very familiar with your data, how it was collected, and what it represents. Whether it’s a medical doctor or an agronomist – or multiple specialists even – this domain knowledge is essential to the success of the project.

3. Make use of the extensive research literature

Machine learning research advances rapidly, especially over the last decade since modern deep learning came on the scene.

Hundreds of new research papers on machine learning are published every day. No individual practitioner can keep abreast of all portions of this expanding field, especially when you add in the countless application areas. But a quick search and some reading can often identify references to similar work.

These references provide key pieces of information: insights into how others have solved similar problems, what challenges are still present, and what level of prediction accuracy related solutions have achieved.

Many common machine learning tasks and challenges have been extensively studied and documented in research papers. By reviewing existing literature, you can often find solutions that are already well-suited to your problem domain, saving you from reinventing the wheel and conducting unnecessary extra experiments.

A literature search can also reveal open source code or models that can give you a head start to a simple baseline or a more powerful solution. Research papers often introduce novel model architectures that have been proven effective in specific domains. You can adopt these architectures or adapt them to your needs, reducing the need for extensive experimentation with model design.

Leveraging the machine learning research literature can improve the quality and effectiveness of your machine learning solutions and help you make informed decisions throughout the development process.

4. Start with a simple baseline

Getting to an ML model that is powerful and robust enough to solve a particular problem can take extensive experimentation. But the first step should always be a simple baseline.

A simple baseline model provides a baseline performance metric against which more complex models can be compared. This benchmark helps you set realistic expectations for model performance and can serve as a reference point for improvement. It reduces the risk of pursuing overly complex models that may not provide significant gains.

Simple models are less prone to overfitting and can often reveal issues with your data or problem formulation. If a straightforward model performs poorly, it suggests that the problem may have fundamental challenges, such as insufficient data, data imbalance, or feature engineering issues. Addressing these issues early can save time and resources.

Simple models are quick to implement and train. They allow for rapid prototyping and experimentation, which is essential in the early stages of an ML project. This agility lets you explore different ideas, data preprocessing techniques, and feature selections without investing excessive time upfront.

Complex models, especially deep learning models, can be computationally expensive to train. Starting with a simple baseline model can save computational resources and time, allowing you to iterate more rapidly and explore different avenues before committing to resource-intensive models.

Simple models provide a clearer and more interpretable view of the problem. This can help you gain a deeper understanding of how the data relates to the target variable and what factors influence the predictions. This insight can guide feature engineering and model selection.

Starting with a simple baseline model will teach you much more about your problem and, ultimately, get you to an ideal solution faster.

5. Validate early and often

Validation is always critical to ensure that a model is robust, generalizable, and unbiased. But when and how to validate are not always as clear.

By validating your models and assumptions early in the development process, you can quickly identify and address potential issues. This includes issues related to data quality, model performance, and algorithm choices. Detecting and addressing problems early prevents them from accumulating and becoming more challenging to resolve later.

Frequent validation creates a rapid feedback loop, allowing you to iterate and make adjustments continuously. You can quickly test different approaches, hyperparameters, and data preprocessing techniques and see their impact on model performance. This iterative process helps you converge faster toward a better solution.

Stratifying your training data into a training, validation, and test set is always the first step. But even this step requires careful consideration in how to stratify. For example, if your model will need to work on data from a different geographic location such as a different country or medical center, you need to test for this by placing data from a different geographic location in the validation and test sets to give you a realistic measure of inference performance.

Validation also extends beyond measuring performance. An error analysis can provide deep insights such as common failure modes or biases. This can lead to targeted improvements in data collection, preprocessing, or model design.

Developing a plan for validation early in the project is an essential step to ensure your model is both accurate and generalizes well to new data. It helps you make informed decisions regarding hyperparameters, model selection, and model deployment, ultimately leading to better machine learning models.

6. Iterate intelligently

The first model you train won’t be the final one that you deploy. No matter how clean your data is. No matter how much research you did beforehand.

You can’t eliminate the need to iterate on your solution. But you can reduce the number of iterations by using the guidance above to direct your next steps.

You can gradually introduce complexity and sophistication based on insights gained from the baseline model’s performance and areas that need improvement. This incremental approach reduces the risk of making large, time-consuming changes that may not lead to better results.

Intelligent iteration involves formulating hypotheses and testing them systematically. Rather than making random changes or adjustments, you can use your validation results to form hypotheses about what might improve your model’s performance. This evidence-based approach ensures that your decisions are grounded in empirical observations, reducing the risk of arbitrary choices.

Your hypotheses for improving your model may be about the algorithm, your data, or your problem assumptions. They can take you all the way back to the beginning of your project.

Not all hypotheses will turn out to be correct. When an iteration does not yield the expected results, you analyze why it failed and adjust your approach accordingly, reducing the likelihood of repeating the same mistakes.

Through the knowledge you’ve gained from understanding your data, making use of prior research, starting with a simple baseline, validating early and often, and iterating intelligently, you can reduce the trial-and-error of model development – ultimately, enabling you to get your product to market faster.

Is your team looking to maximize the impact of your images and algorithms?

I’ve worked with a variety of teams to unlock the value in their data, create more accurate models, and generate new powerful insights from pathology and remote sensing images.

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